Here, FFS tests its own oil protection equipment

18 August 2023

FFS sits on large quantities of equipment that can collect oil spills along the coast.


FFS has several types of skimmers.

Text and photo: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Kommunikasjon

- Nobody pays us to have this preparedness. But if the accident were to happen, we hope to be contacted. We are ready to step out and help, says John W. Nilsen, general manager of FFS.

On the quay outside the workshop are hydraulic cranes, pumps, hoses and various skimmers. The equipment is tested, while FFS employees receive training in its use.

– THE SKIMMERS separates the oil from the water. Different skimmers are used to collect different types of oil. That is why it is necessary to have a wide selection, says Nilsen.

At the FFS site in Lundevågen, several workers have gathered on the quayside. In the water just below, a Framo Transrec 200 is being tested, which has a capacity to remove 200 cubic meters per hour.

FFS also sits on more than 1,000 meters of oil lenses, which are used to collect and limit the spread of oil that has leaked into the sea.

- NO OTHER private companies in Norway have as much oil protection equipment as we do, with the exception of the large oil companies. The equipment package has been built up over several years, says Nilsen.

FFS can also unload large tankers. The oil is then pumped into the tugboats' collection tanks.

- WE HOPE THAT our oil spill preparedness gives people and authorities the security that there is in fact immediate help available if the disaster were to occur, says Nilsen, and adds:

- It is too late to order the equipment from the supplier when the accident has occurred. The delivery time is usually several months.