Collected hulls for new remote-controlled boats

18 September 2023

Two unmanned surface vessels, so-called USVs, are to be built in Brevik. FFS Atlas picked up the hulls to be used in the Lithuanian port city of Klaipeda.


The barge with the two hulls is towed by FFS Atlas from Klaipeda to Brevik.

Text: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Kommunikasjon

- This is a special project that it's fun to be a part of, says John W. Nilsen, general manager of FFS.

The boats are built by the Norwegian company Reach Subsea. Partners in the project, which bears the name Reach Remote, are Kongsberg Maritime and Masterly.

The USVs WILL be remotely controlled and autonomous, and are to be used for examination, inspection and light repair. The boats will act as mobile power banks, computer centers and communication modules for underwater ROVs, which are remotely operated operational vessels.

Both the USVs and the ROVs are operated from a control center on land. Features for real-time operator control and autonomous operations will be included, as well as hybrid modes that mix remote control and semi-autonomous control.

ACCORDING TO REACH SUBSEAS own website, the goal is to be on the market with the first two USVs in 2023.

The ambition is to offer a full portfolio of subsea services from a low-emission, cost-effective remotely controlled and autonomous fleet by 2025.


Tugboat / 1986