Clean-up raid in the skerries
April 29, 2022
Old lobster pots, car tires, car batteries, glass bottles and tin cans were all part of the "catch" on the garbage collection expedition in skerries of Farsund.

FFS Argo has docked at the pier in Farsund and the rubbish catch is carried ashore.
Text and photo: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Kommunikasjon
- We found more garbage on the harbor floor than we expected. After all, we were just searching outside the small island of Håøy, says Isak Lyngsvåg Andreassen, skipper on board FFS Argo.
With him he had students from Farsund Middle School. Together they received objects that a diving team sent up from the depths.
FFS IS PARTICIPATING in Project Havmonsteret, an initiative that is implemented annually at the school, where the purpose is to increase knowledge and engagement around plastic littering of the sea.
Project manager Agnethe Salvesen greatly appreciates having FFS on the voluntary team.
- It's absolutely fantastic. I asked FFS for assistance and responded yes straight away, says Salvesen.
FFS PROVIDES boat and skipper for four days. After the school pupils have completed their project on Thursday, Fiends of Songvaar Lighthouse, Søgne Diving Club and the local archipelago services will continue to clean up the seabed together with FFS.
- It's important that local businesses show what kind of work they do. The students who were here today will never forget what they have pulled up to from the sea. And they will remember that it happened in a boat from FFS, says Salvesen.
IN FRONT OF HER on the pier in Farsund are objects that have been picked up from the sea in recent days.
Divers from Farsund Diving Club were in action in the city's harbour basin earlier in the week. They picked up bicycles, shopping trolleys, several chairs, a fishing rod and a number of crab and lobster pots.
All the garbage is exhibited on the dock of Farsund receiving great attention from passing tourists and residents. Later, the municipal council will also come and inspect the "catch". Hopefully, the project will receive political attention and perhaps also some follow-up.
- That we as a maritime company help to clean up our own skerries, I think is very important, says FFS skipper Isak Lyngsvåg Andreassen.
Work boat / 1990