Got new cables on board in record time

16. May 2022

When the boat got an urgent need for new streamer cables, FFS threw itself around and had people at work night and day until everything was installed.


The seismic boat to the quay in Lundevågen together with a support vessel.

Text: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Kommunikasjon

- Absolutely brilliant effort. It is important that we are able to carry out such urgent assignments. The feedback from the customer was also very good, says John W. Nilsen, general manager of FFS.

JOBS SOM had to be done is in many ways the seismic industry's response to tire change in Formula 1.

In a marine seismic operation, the streamer cables are towed behind a survey vessel. The owners announced on Thursday night that the seismic vessel needed new streamer cables, and asked FFS for assistance.

- We knew that this would be a very demanding job, because there was so much that had to be arranged in a very short time, Nilsen says.

EQUIPMENT HAD ordered and transported to Lundevågen, and the operation required many heavy lifts.

- But we got the power supply in place, connected new cables, got the coil device rigged and towed a barge in place. Then it was just a matter of getting started, says Nilsen.

THE SHIP ARRIVED Farsund Saturday night with a support vessel. Thanks to 24-hour efforts from FFS, the boat was able to leave the harbor and return to the North Sea with new streamer cables already on Wednesday.

- We had a lot of people in turn throughout the weekend to make this happen. But we solved the task with bravura. This shows that we are able to throw ourselves around when such jobs appear, Nilsen says.


Barges / 2000