Expands the fleet with a new RoRo ramp
29 December 2022
A floating RoRo ramp has been purchased from Sweden. It will be named FFS Ponton 10 when it arrives in Farsund at the end of January.

This is what the newly purchased barge looks like.
Text: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Kommunikasjon
- We constantly receive rental requests for this type of barge. FFS Ponton 8, which is the same type of vessel, is out on a long-term contract. Thus, we would not be able to cover the demand without an expansion of the fleet, says John W. Nilsen, general manager of FFS.
The new acquisition is 30.53 meters long, 21.11 meters wide and built in 1982. It is ideal as a temporary or semi-permanent berth for RoRo cargo, that is cargo that can be rolled on board a ship.
IT IS also a perfect match for FFS's mobile cranes, which can drive on board the barge.
- A typical customer might be an industrial company that wants to test out a RoRo concept for exporting its goods, but does not want to go for a full-scale development before the concept has been tested, says Nilsen.
THE BARGE CAN of course also function as a temporary warehouse and barrack rig for larger development projects with a road right on board.
- It is expected to arrive in Farsund at the end of January, and will then be ready for assignments. Just contact our chartering department if you have a project you would like a quote for, says Nilsen.
FFS has a total of four barges, FFS Ponton 6, FFS Pontoon 8, FFS Pontoon 9 and now FFS Pontoon 10.
Barge / 1982